(size of unit and number of buttons vary per home and available features)
Our home control unit has been redesigned and is even better than it was before. It has been streamlined with a sharper look and some amazing features added to it.
We will be installing these units starting with our homes at Moai Beach, and all other locations will follow shortly there after.
The main control unit will be in the living room of every home. The new home control unit will now include the rezzers but also new below features
-PAGE OWNER (Summer, Tex)
You can now page us from the comfort of your own home instead of looking up our name or going to the rental office to click our name on the pager button there. But please remember, there are only two owners who handle all customer service and building issues for all MMH units. There are no others that will be able to assist you. ~
Clicking this button will connect you to the House Guide page on the MMH web site; where you will be provided with information necessary to operate every component in our homes and condo's. And in most cases, will answer every question for you about how things work.
You can now pay your rent via the home control unit.
Click the Rental Kiosk button on the home control unit; then click "Pay Rent".
Click the number which shows your lot number and location.
Then right click and pay the button.
You also have the option to browse other available rentals not having to go to the rental office any more
If you rent more then one location with us, you will see all your rentals and can those rentals as well.
And if you would like, you can walk outside and pay the Rental Box as you are doing now.
We are striving to make renting with us as easy as possible, and using technology to accomplish it.
This button is only on the Main Home control unit, and is a grid wide teleporter which will
TP anyone to all our rental locations, Restaurants and stores everywhere in Second Life.
This is for Role Play only and is not for public use nor will be made public at any locations.
We built a Door Bell camera system that when an AVI is at your front door and rings your doorbell, not only will the door bell ring, but you get a notice that person is at your door via local chat (on your parcel only). And that visitors profile picture will display on the door cam monitor located inside your front door, Bedroom, Bathroom, Loft and Deck.
Of course; we made this optional for you to derez if you do not care or want a door cam in your home. That option is on your control units in each of those locations.
To derez the security monitor, simply click the "Door Cam" rezzer button and click clear. You will however still get a local notice that someone has rung your door bell and is at your door.
PLEASE NOTE; These will not be available for the Marae Beach Condos as you can not parcel off apartment units therefore there is no separate parcel for each condo to allow for only your condo to show the AVI visit.
NEW DOOR LOCKING SYSTEM- For your protection, a new auto locking door system has been added to our homes. The new doors will be linked to our CasperLet rental system so that only tenants and sub-tenants can open the doors and enter. It does however, have a feature to turn off "auto Lock" so that anyone at anytime can enter. And that feature is controlled by you, the tenant. To learn how to disengage the auto lock, please refer to the "House Guide" section for illustrated instructions.
PLEASE NOTE: Auto Locking Doors are not available for our beach huts due to the texture changers outside the huts. We tried our best to make these scripts work together but could not.
-New Moai Moai Holdings Website
We are most excited about our new website. Everyone has easy access to the site from their Home Control units. Just click the House Guide button and it will take you directly to our site that will tell you how to control or change anything in your home; Rules and guidelines for Residents renting a home in all our locations and FAQs as well. This is great source of information for questions you may have.
And YES, our site provides you with answers, but in no way can it answer every question for everyone. So we have made it easy for you to contact us. You can click on the "Pager" button on the home control unit, or click on "get in touch" button at the top and bottom of each page on our site. But if you would like to contact us with an IM in world, feel free to do that also.